Be not afraid of growing slowly,
be afraid only of standing still

Chinese Proverb

How we support your
career journey

The aim of the Adult Career Consultation is to support those searching for a career change, graduates unsure about their next step, or anyone looking to rejoin the workforce.

With 30% of the workforce now changing careers or jobs every 12 months (c. Career Advice Online). It is not unusual to find yourself in a situation, where you are looking to make a change in your career. As life progresses you may find yourself in a position where you're off kilter with your current career, the job that once brought you joy may now bring dread or maybe you never really found what was right for you.

Gaining clarity around the right next step for you can be challenging, it may feel as though you have no options or that the endless list of courses advertised is leaving you perplexed. We pride ourselves on working with clients to find what is truly the right path for them. By assessing not only your aptitude but your interests, personality and lifestyle to find the perfect fit.

The Adult Career Consultation is structured as follows:
Step 1 - Schedule
We confirm a date and time that is suitable for the consultation.
Step 2 - In Advance
You will fill in a data sheet outlining your experience & qualifications to date. This Client Data sheet also give you the opportunity to articulate what specific goals you have for you career assessment with us.
You will be given access to our online career assessment tool. After completing the assessment, you will get a pdf file outlining your results and suited career based on this. The results of your assessment will be discussed in detail during your consultation.

Step 3 - Initial Consultation
We will discuss your career journey to date and identify what works for you and what doesn’t.
We will have an in-depth review of your results from the online assessment.
We will undertake an analysis and rating of each job area and in-depth insight into routes to entry.
We will give an overview of lifestyle considerations (job opportunities, work/life balance, salary etc.) for each area we have identified.
Guidance on next steps to take in your career journey.
Scheduling of the Follow Up session.
A detailed report will be sent after the consultation.
Step 4 - Follow Up Session
As the initial consultation includes a lot of information. It works best for you to take time to review and think over what next steps would work best for you. The follow up session is your opportunity to ask any questions that you may have and to work together on setting out realistic career goals going forward.