The expert in anything
was once a beginner

Helen Hayes

How we support

The aim of the Student Career Consultation is to support parents and students in navigating the Leaving Certificate cycle, from subject choices to the CAO application process and the right third level course or next step in life for the students' suited path.

The Leaving Certificate can be a stressful time not only for students, but for their parents/guardians as well. Students will often turn to their parents for advice on subject choices and career paths. For parents it can be difficult to understand the minefield that is the CAO and to be confident that you are pointing your child in the right direction. Due to limited time and resources, the traditional school career guidance can often be found lacking when it comes to fully supporting parents and students through this process.

As trusted advisors with vast knowledge on the Leaving Cert cycle, PLC, apprenticeships and third level courses, we have the right tools to support both parents and students. To give students clarity on the right career path suited to their personality and lifestyle.

The Student Consultation is structured as follows:

Step 1 - Schedule
We confirm a date and time that is suitable for the consultation
Step 2 - In Advance
Students will fill in a data sheet outlining their interests and academic results to date.
Students will be given access to our comprehensive online career assessment tool. The results of the assessment will be explored in detail during their career guidance assessment. After completing the assessment, they will receive a pdf file outlining the results and careers best suited to them.
Step 3 - Initial Consultation
- A review of current grades and identification of what scope there is to increase on each subject – and setting a realistic target for achievement
- An in-depth analysis of suitable careers, based on the results of the assessment and interests.
- Insights into relevant qualifications necessary to meet entry level requirements for chosen career path.
- Identification of suitable third level institutions or colleges.
- Review of the CAO or alternative application processes.
- An overview of goals for the next step in the student’s journey.
- Parents/guardians are also invited to join the end of session for a synopsis of the findings and next step
- A detailed report will be sent after the consultation.
Step 4 - Follow Up
As the initial consultation includes a lot of information. The follow up session allows students the opportunity address any questions or queries that may have arisen and explore their chosen path in more detail. We will fill in the CAO form where appropriate and conclude with set goals for the student.