Introduction September marks a new chapter for many, filled with excitement and a touch of overwhelm. School starts, routines shift, and to-do lists seem to grow exponentially. As a career coach, I’ve noticed a recurring theme among my clients: a desire for a more fulfilling career that aligns with their evolving life. The Evolving Career...

Can #AI help you get the job? Let me start by saying I am far from an AI expert, and I am aware there are many AI platforms specifically catering to support job applications in various forms. The Research A recent survey found that only 18% of US job seekers are using AI tools to...

The first step in your job search should be to identify and understand your core strengths. This level of self-awareness is an area where a lot of candidates are lacking. Clarity on where your unique strengths lie, will not only does it enhance your CV it will also enhance your confidence. Confidence in your overall...


Through my work providing Career Guidance to adults. I regularly see clients looking to make a change due to a toxic work environment and I have noted some common themes, which are:  Personality Clashes You can’t pick your colleagues. And the workplace is most likely the place you are going to interact with people who...

Don’t be afraid to go out on a limb, that’s where the fruit is

Frank Scully

People often face challenges when they attend a job interview.  Indeed many people face challenges even thinking about applying for a new job as they fear the interview process so much.  I have sat on both sides of the interview table as an interviewee and as an interviewer so I can empathise with these feelings.

What do you want to be when you grow up?  This question is often posed to students during primary school.  With response including a fireman, a camogie star, a farmer etc.  A recent family outing reminded me of this.  The story goes 3 young boys in 6th class were asked by the school principal